
The NX Class Starship

Enterprise NX-01 is the first of its class and the first Enterprise.

Enterprise NX-01 is my favorite because of its innocence. When it first embarks on its mission, it is meant simply for exploration. That feature could also be its weakness.

Enterprise starts out with a forward and an aft torpedo launcher and nothing else in terms of weaponry. Later in the series, Commander Tucker, Lieutenant Reed and their crews work around the clock for days to fashion themselves forward and aft phase cannons (a.k.a. phasers).


Enterprise can polarize its hull plating but it has no shields. It can travel at a maximum speed of warp 5.

Enterprise has 83 crew-members aboard. The senior officer corps is
  • Jonathan Archer, in Command
  • T'Pol, Vulcan Science Officer (as well as Second in Command)
  • Charles "Trip" Tucker, Chief Engineer
  • Malcolm Reed, Tactical Officer
  • Hoshi Sato, Communications Officer
  • Travis Mayweather, Helmsman.
    Part way through the "Enterprise" series, it is fitted with Photonic Torpedoes (a.k.a. Photon Torpedoes).

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